Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racism in South Philly

More than 200 people supported Geno's owner as he raised money in support of Arizona Immigration law sb1070. A law that allows officers to go up to anyone they think is illegal and demand that they show papers of citizenship. The Big Talker's Dom Giordano proudly hosted the very racist event. Dom is no stranger for racist views i remember listening to his radio station a while back as he stated the "the government should throw the Quran down the toilet." He was also staring at me and giving me dirty looks.

Across the street Activists in support of immigration reform some 100 people chanted pro immigration chants, there was even a period when they shamed the Arizona law supporters. It was such a crazy protest that really just boiled down to racism. Arizona law supporters yelled offensive discriminatory comments such as "go buy a bar of soap," "go the fuck back to Mexico," "come in from the front door, not from the back," are just some of the many that were said.

There was a point and time when I was taking photos and video on behalf of AlDia the Spanish newspaper when a man with a hat that had an American flag pin and an Israeli flag pin started yelling "Mafish Falasteen" at me which means "There is no Palestine." I was so shocked that even at this immigration reform event Palestine would come up. My eyes popped out of my socket and the eyebrows shot up in anger and disbelief. I then started yelling back "Falasteen Arabia" (Palestine is an Arab state) at the top of my lungs. I was wearing no Palestinian flag or anything I was just wearing my veil that shows that I'm Muslim which means that I can be Kuwaiti, Saudi Arabian, Moroccan and alot of other ethnic groups but this racist guy got a racist lucky guess because I am 100% Palestinian! After I finished yelling at him he disappeared, no where to be found, I took out my palestinian flag bracelet and wore it but the racist guy was long gone by then.

There was another point where I was only a couple feet away from Dom Giordano as he was live on air in which senator John McCain called in support of the event. I bumped into Daryl Metcalfe by accident and apologized to him (not knowing that he supported discrimination so proudly) and he kind of turned around but barely acknowledged me and just ignored it.

Standing and witnessing so many things It was obvious and apparent that the pro Arizona law side was mainly filled with older people (many of whom might be dead in a couple of years.... It's just an estimate not an evil thought) and that the pro immigration reform side was filled with young and energetic people. Which made me conclude that this whole issue may die out because the young people are going to be running things in the future, and those older people know it which is why their fear is making them fund raise money for a racist law. Why would someone raise money for this? Usually people raise money for cancer research, Diabetes, Alex's Lemonade, or maybe even for a hospital but not for something like this.... this is just hatred.

Although the protest was not a pretty picture there is no doubt in my mind that immigration reform can win, they just have to keep on doing what they're already doing and the future will be in their hands and on their side.